Courtney Browning-Senior Financial 援助 Specialist

"God opened doors and totally made a way for me to attend Hardin-Simmons. I had such an awesome experience that two of my younger sisters also attended and graduated from HSU."

My family is living proof of the value of a Hardin-Simmons education. When I told my parents I wanted to go to Hardin-Simmons, they asked if I had a “Plan B.” I told them, “God doesn’t need a Plan B.” I knew HSU was where God wanted me to be and that He would make a way for it to happen – but I also had to do my part and work hard.

I applied for every scholarship imaginable. I entered speech competitions that helped me win scholarships outside of those the university offered. My hometown of Seymour, a small town of fewer than 3,000 people, was incredibly generous. I received scholarships from multiple organizations in Seymour. God opened doors and totally made a way for me to attend Hardin-Simmons. I had such an awesome experience that two of my younger sisters also attended and graduated from HSU.

In college, childhood and adulthood collide. Sometimes the meeting of the two is sweetly endearing – and awfully confusing. When childhood and adulthood meet and you have a short window of time to transition from one to the other, 这并不容易. However, I never felt I had to face any decision alone. Members of the HSU family walked alongside me on my journey.

教师 and staff invested deeply in me at Hardin-Simmons. My years as a student were very transformational. I am vastly different from who I would have been if I attended college somewhere else, which is the primary reason I chose to work here.

As a financial aid counselor, I have the privilege of helping others make it possible to come to Hardin-Simmons. I’m passionate about finding resources for students who want to be here. I tell students and their parents that our God is very capable. If this is where He wants you to be, He will help you make a way. That doesn’t mean that everything will just fall into place – you also have to work hard.

There’s a sign in my office that says: “Choose Faith over Worry.” Many students and parents who come to my office read that sign and comment about how appropriate it is. But, just because God doesn’t want us to worry doesn’t mean He doesn’t want us to work. I believe in relying on God while also working as hard as I can.

I’m incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to invest in current students, just as others invested in me. I couldn’t ask for anything better.
